Saturday 22 October 2016

                                                   Scaffolding Students' Writing

            One of my best sessions for LIT 102 is when we looked at Scaffolding Students' Writing. As a student who is new to the profession I did not know what was required of me when it came to making students better writers. However, after that sessions I felt confident and ready to assist the upcoming generation in being more proficient writers.

             During that class we were separated in different groups to present on different ways that we as upcoming teachers can scaffold students' writing. We used letters of the alphabet to assist with the presentations. I leant that I must teach students to brain storm, use their own topics, work collaboratively, revise, think aloud and use graphic organizers which will help develop their writing. As a teacher I should Inquire to find students’ interest, writing abilities and what they know about writing. I should provide feedback after each stage of writing, guide their writing as they go through the writing process and allow them to publish their finished work.

             For one of the presentation the group placed themselves in the shoes of primary school students who desired more from their teacher when it came to writing. This was quite informative and brought me back to my  primary school days thinking that there was more my teachers can do. I saw the letter from the point of view of a teacher being addressed by a student. I surely sympathized with that student and believe that I need to do what it takes to ensure that I am capable of assisting students with becoming the best writers.

                                                                                                                           Marla Theodore

Thursday 13 October 2016

Writing Process

LIT 102
Reflection: 1

The Writing Process is one thing I did not know much about. But the lecturer modeling it gave me a better understanding, I am starting to enjoy every steps in the Writing process. To begin, the prewriting was done first, this stage is very important before writing on any topic. A teacher modeling before writing will help the students to better understand how to brainstorm and gather information for writing. This is what I got from the lesson, I saw proper procedures of the prewriting process being used in one form of genre. The use of Descriptive writing was done where the lecturer used a Five Senses cluster to brainstorm for the writing. It was a great instructional aid that helped me to develop my ideas for my first draft on My favourite fruit. I am quite certain this done in a literacy classroom will aid  students to think of ideas to write on a topic. I look forward to see this done in my classroom.

Mearline Hippolyte

Wednesday 12 October 2016

The writing process

        After this lesson on the writing process and it became clear to me why our students do not like to write. As a student myself I was not given topics to write on that I was very knowledgeable about, sometimes I had no ideas flowing to my brain.  The lecturer created the atmosphere where all students would love and enjoy writing.  The first stage of the writing process was done, which is pre-writing.  The writing genre which was chosen was a descriptive piece which involve the uses of our senses to get a mental picture of what is been described.  I learnt a new concept which made the pre-writing stage so much easier.  I was introduced to the five senses cluster to help me describe my favourite fruit.  This is where students get to brainstorm their ideas.
        To make this lesson better, I think the teacher should allow the students to choose their own topics because I noticed one student did not have a favourite fruit.  As I learnt from the past assignment I was given, the student would have no idea what to write about this topic.


     I am now understanding why students may not like writing, the lecturer pointed out a critical point.  As teachers , when you get your students to write their drafts and they share what they wrote we need to praise them.   This is something teachers may forget.  A good writer does not write only one draft but may write up to five drafts and drafting is an essential component in the writing process.
     Also the teacher needs to model what they want their students to do and can get the students to participate in the teacher's draft.  I believe with this experience students minds will be stimulated and ideas will flow when given the opportunity to write theirs.


LIT 102

This is the blog, the greatest triple "M" have created.  This blog will be informative, reflective and suggestive about the course "Promoting writing in the primary school". Hope you enjoy everything on this blog