Wednesday 12 October 2016


     I am now understanding why students may not like writing, the lecturer pointed out a critical point.  As teachers , when you get your students to write their drafts and they share what they wrote we need to praise them.   This is something teachers may forget.  A good writer does not write only one draft but may write up to five drafts and drafting is an essential component in the writing process.
     Also the teacher needs to model what they want their students to do and can get the students to participate in the teacher's draft.  I believe with this experience students minds will be stimulated and ideas will flow when given the opportunity to write theirs.


1 comment:

  1. This critical point of praising students efforts has slipped through a lot and as a new group of better educated person , we need to lead in this area of giving praise where it is due. Don't rob the students but affirm them and they will produce and be the proficient writers that we know they can be.

