Wednesday 12 October 2016

The writing process

        After this lesson on the writing process and it became clear to me why our students do not like to write. As a student myself I was not given topics to write on that I was very knowledgeable about, sometimes I had no ideas flowing to my brain.  The lecturer created the atmosphere where all students would love and enjoy writing.  The first stage of the writing process was done, which is pre-writing.  The writing genre which was chosen was a descriptive piece which involve the uses of our senses to get a mental picture of what is been described.  I learnt a new concept which made the pre-writing stage so much easier.  I was introduced to the five senses cluster to help me describe my favourite fruit.  This is where students get to brainstorm their ideas.
        To make this lesson better, I think the teacher should allow the students to choose their own topics because I noticed one student did not have a favourite fruit.  As I learnt from the past assignment I was given, the student would have no idea what to write about this topic.


  1. This topic have impacted us all and I am happy to see and hear how it can assist us all in our teaching career.

  2. It was indeed very informative and insightful.

  3. Im happy that you noted that students should be provided with opportunities to select their topics for writing. This will make writing more meaningful for students. However, sometimes it may not always be possible for the teacher to allow students to choose their own topics. Therefore, the teacher should make it his or her obligation to carry out an interest inventory. This will provide the teacher with information about what students are interested in which will help him or her in formulating topics and activities for writing that students will be enthusiastic about.

    Gizelle Edward

  4. Im happy that you noted that students should be provided with opportunities to select their topics for writing. This will make writing more meaningful for students. However, sometimes it may not always be possible for the teacher to allow students to choose their own topics. Therefore, the teacher should make it his or her obligation to carry out an interest inventory. This will provide the teacher with information about what students are interested in which will help him or her in formulating topics and activities for writing that students will be enthusiastic about.

    Gizelle Edward

  5. The information and video is very informative. I believe students should write about what they are interested in most of the time. This would motivate students to write, on the other hand if they are not interested the quality of work which is required of them will not be produced. Most students do not like writing and it is the teacher job make writing fun and interesting for students.
